The Berlin Observer

The Berlin Observer

The Berlin Observer

The Berlin Observer

The Berlin Observer

The Berlin Observer

The Berlin Observer- "Another issue hits the streets." This saying has been echoed by countless Army journalists in Berlin, and looking back, many styles and formats have changed since the first issue, Dated July 28th, 1945, was published. Volume 1, Number 1 was a one-page affair that boasted one picture. Published by the Group Control Council, the information sheet was appropriately titled "The Grooper". Army journalists back then had to scrounge anything from pencils to printing paper as they collected news in war-torn Berlin. But the deadlines were met and soon "The Grooper" grew to a four-page paper, and with the redesignation of the Group Control Council to the Office of Military Government of the United States, the paper was renamed the "OMGUS Observer" April 12, 1946. When OMGUS and the Berlin District consolidated, it became the "Berlin Observer" on November 15, 1946. follows tradition by giving an account of American Military activities in the Divided City. The issues in the archive have been graciously provided by former Berlin Observer staffers and Veterans of the Berlin Brigade-The purpose of this website is to salute and honor their dedication to Service, Freedom and Country - "Mission Accomplished" - This is an unofficial, not for profit, website and does not have the endorsement of the United States Government, the US Army, or any other official organization.

"And another issue hits the WEB!"