AFN Expands Radio Service

"The Great 88" AFN Berlin's FM radio station is expanding its broadcast services. Officials said the principal new attraction will be a live morning show starting Mon. The program "Good Morning Berlin" will be broadcast from 6:05 to 10 a.m. Mon. through Fri. "This is an effort to give our Berlin audience good morning music, news about community activities,time and temperature checks and a number of other features and services in a live stereo format," SSG Bob Aspling, the station's NCOIC, said, "Basically, it's an up-to-date alternatives for listeners who may not enjoy the more contemporary music we offer on our AM station," he said. "Good morning Berlin" will be hosted by SP5 Greg Foss, with contributions from SP4 Jane Davis, feature editor. "The times", a program which features today hit music in stereo, is being expanded from two to three hours, and moved from Sat. nights to Sun. From 3 to 6 p.m. This will provide music lovers an alternative to the 3-hour block of drama broadcast on Sun. afternoons, Aspling said."Inside Concert," a new Fri. Night show at 8:05, will spotlight four to six major artists or groups to give their fans a chance to hear more album offerings. The new Sun. Schedule includes: "The Times" at 3:05 p.m.; "The Balladeers" at 6:05 p.m. and "Rock and Roll Revival" at 8:05 p.m. Other nightly shows beginning at 8:05 include: "The Bands" on Mon.; "Jazz" on Tues..; "Country" on Wed.; "The hour" (hard rock) on Thurs. And "Juice" (soul) on Sat. These 2-hour shows and "The Times" are repeated at 2 a.m. daily for shift workers. Aspling said easy listening and classical music will continue to occupy about 14 hours of air time each weekday and the majority of programming on weekends.

GOOD MORNING BERLIN - On-the-air personalities SP4 Jane Davis and SP5 Greg Foss discuss some last minute items in preparing for their new show to be aired on AFN FM (The great 88) Mon. through Fri. from 6:05 to 10 a.m. (Photo by Jack De Lanoy)


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